At the end of the workshop it was concluded that the 100 ideas could be allocated in 3 categories:
Systems of systems ideas
These issues would impact upon the whole concept of the air transport system and inevitably lead to widespread changes in the system, viz.:
a. The Airborne Metro,
b. Ground Power Augmentation,
c. Future Airport Systems,
d. Personal Transport Systems,
e. Future Airport Systems.
Systems ideas
These include new, important and radical concepts for important parts of the air transport system but without the need for a complete revision of the total system, i.e.:
a. Reduced Aircraft Mass,
b. Next Generation Propulsion,
c. Modular. Morphing and Re-configurable Aircraft,
d. The Passenger Experience,
e. Globalised ATC,
f. New Aircraft Technologies,
g. Space.
Subordinate concepts
Concepts that could be considered for application within each subsystem of the air transport system (aircraft, ATM, airports) without the necessity of widespread introduction, viz.:
a. Airborne power conservation (use of ground power, more efficient propulsion, different propulsion systems, different fuels, etc.).
b. Ideas about the next generation of aircraft.
c. Airport congestion issues (how to be less dependent on the limited airport capacities).
d. On demand trend that demand more flexibility in the ATS, even accepting more risk.
e. Issues about whether we going to be more flexible and provide greater freedom or more standardisation and less choice.
f. Multi-modal thinking (the ATS being a part of the meta transportation system).
g. The ATM dilemma (Where are we going, what is the trend, will we need pilots or controllers, etc.).
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