Create project description

The CREATE project aims at setting up a process to identify and enable creative solutions in Air Transport for 2040 and beyond.
The timing of the project will be such that the results will not only be used to give inputs to the EU Air Transport and Aeronautics work Programme of FP7 and later FP8 but that the results can also be used by ACARE to give new directions to the next ACARE vision for 2040 and the new Strategic Research Agenda (SRA3) which is planned to be published in 2012.

The project started in November 2008 and has a duration of 24 months.

The project covers 7 Work Packages1:

WP 1 - Technology Watch
WP 2 - Creative Workshop
WP 3 - Ideas Merging
WP 4 - Innopedia
WP 5 - Assessment
WP 6 - Incubation
WP 7 - Management

The beneficiaries of the project are:

1. Aerospace and Defence Industries Association of Europe (ASD)
2. Ad Cuenta (consultant)
3. Trevor Truman (consultant)
4. Aeronautical Research & Technology Consulting Schmitt (ARTS)
5. Technische Universitaet Muenchen (TUM)
6. Bauhaus Luftfahrt E.V. (BHL)
7. QinetiQ
8. SenterNovem - Aeronautics (site in Dutch) or site in English

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